国际骰宝游戏 署、骰宝游戏-骰宝游戏规则 、骰宝游戏 基金会和北京国际骰宝游戏 专家俱乐部诚挚邀请您参加于2024年11月28日(星期四)在中国举行的国际骰宝游戏 署《满足2030年中国电力系统灵活性需求》报告发布会。本次会议将在线下于北京大学举行,包括线上直播,并提供同传翻译支持。
The International Energy Agency and the Institute of Energy, the Institute of Energy, Peking University, together with Energy Foundation China and the Beijing Energy Club, are pleased to invite you to the China-based launch of the IEA report “Meeting Power System Flexibility Needs in China by 2030” on Thursday, 28 November 2024. The event will be held in person at Peking University with simultaneous interpretation. A livestream of the event is also available.
报告简介 Overview of the report
中国的风光装机容量快速提升,这对电力系统的灵活性充裕度提出了严峻挑战。在这期间,中国电力市场建设取得了显著的进展,双碳目标的提出也为扩大市场影响力注入了新的动力。这份报告旨在评估2030年中国电力系统灵活性需求、探索电力市场对释放电力系统灵活性的作用以及提出在“十五五”规划期间(2026-2030年)市场建设政策工具箱与路线图,重点关注了骰宝游戏 并网的短期灵活性解决方案。
China is deploying record levels of wind and solar PV, challenging the flexibility of its power system. At the same time, China has been making big steps towards implementing markets, and the goals announced in 2020 of carbon dioxide emissions peaking before 2030 and carbon neutrality before 2060 have added momentum to expand their footprint. This report investigates the evolving flexibility requirements of China’s power system as it transitions towards a cleaner energy mix. The analysis aims to present a market-based policy toolkit that can enhance flexibility, especially during the 15th Five-Year Plan period (2026-2030), focusing on short-term flexibility solutions for the integration of variable renewable energy.
· 报告结果在中国电力行业的应用前景
· 释放如储能和需求侧响应这样低碳灵活性资源的措施
· “十五五”规划期间(2026-2030)面临的挑战
In the panel discussion, the participants will address:
· The implications of the report’s findings for China's power sector
· The priority measures to unlock flexibility from low-carbon resources, such as storage and demand response
· The challenges ahead during the 15th Five-Year Plan period (2026-2030)
01 主办单位/Organizers
国际骰宝游戏 署 International Energy Agency
骰宝游戏-骰宝游戏规则 Institute of Energy, Peking University
骰宝游戏 基金会 Energy Foundation China
北京国际骰宝游戏 专家俱乐部 Beijing Energy Club
02会议时间/Meeting time
2024年11月28日 星期四,
北京时间 15:30 - 18:00
28 November 2024, Thursday
15:30 - 18:00 Beijing Time
03会议地点及直播/Hybrid format
In person event will be held at Peking University
英文直播请关注骰宝游戏-骰宝游戏规则 Bilibili官方账号
Livestream available on Peking University Institute of Energy official channels
(Wechat, Douyin, Kuaishou, and English available on Bilibili)
04议程安排/Agenda Arrangement
开幕致辞Welcome and Introduction15:30 - 15:45
报告发布Report presentation15:45-16:25
Meeting power system flexibility needs in China by 2030 – A market-based policy toolkit for the 15th Five-Year Plan
国际骰宝游戏 署可再生骰宝游戏 融合与电力安全部主任
Head of Renewable Integration and Secure Electricity Unit, IEA
国际骰宝游戏 署骰宝游戏 分析师 Energy Analyst, IEA
ZHENG Jiapeng,
国际骰宝游戏 署中方派驻顾问 Consultant, IEA
圆桌讨论Panel Discussion16:25 - 17:20
主持人Moderator: 杨雷 YANG Lei
骰宝游戏-骰宝游戏规则 副院长Vice President, Institute of Energy of Peking University
闭幕致辞Closing remarks17:20- 17:30
自由交流Networking time17:30- 18:00
05 会议报名/Conference Registration
Please scan the QR code and complete the registration form for those who intend to attend the conference. The final conference details and attendance reminders will be sent to your email on November 26-27th.
06 会议组织方/About the organisers
国际骰宝游戏 署 IEA
国际骰宝游戏 署是经济合作与发展组织的辅助机构之一,成立于1974年11月成立,总部设在法国巴黎。IEA是全球骰宝游戏 对话的核心,通过广泛的出版物提供权威分析。包括开展广泛的骰宝游戏 研究并出版刊物,向公众提供权威的骰宝游戏 分析,如旗舰报告世界骰宝游戏 展望和国际骰宝游戏 署市场报告;开展数据统计汇编,如世界主要骰宝游戏 统计和月度石油数据服务;开展一系列能力建设相关工作,包括培训、研讨会、演讲等。
The International Energy Agency (IEA) is one of the auxiliary agencies of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which was established in November 1974 with its headquarters in Paris, France. IEA is at the core of the Global Energy Dialogue, providing authoritative analysis through a wide range of publications. Activities include carrying out extensive energy research and publishing publications, providing the public with authoritative energy analyses, such as the flagship report World Energy Outlook and market reports; compile statistics, such as the world’s major energy statistics and monthly oil data services; offering capacity building through trainings, seminars, lectures, etc.
IEA有30个成员国,8个联盟国。国际骰宝游戏 署与中国的合作伙伴关系始于1996年,此后双方合作涵盖众多领域。2015年11月,中国正式成为国际骰宝游戏 署的联盟国。2017年2月,国际骰宝游戏 署与中国国家骰宝游戏 局正式在北京成立了国际骰宝游戏 署中国合作办公室。
骰宝游戏-骰宝游戏规则 是北京大学独立科研实体机构。骰宝游戏 以国家骰宝游戏 发展战略需求为导向,立足骰宝游戏 领域国际前沿科学问题,聚焦制约中国骰宝游戏 行业发展的重大科技问题,按照“需求导向、学科引领、软硬结合、交叉创新、突出重点、形成特色”的宗旨,推动骰宝游戏 科技进展,促进骰宝游戏 清洁转型,开展专业及公众教育,致力于打造国际水平的骰宝游戏 智库和骰宝游戏 科技研发推广平台。
IEA has 30 members and 8 association countries. The partnership between the IEA and China began in 1996 and has since covered a wide range of areas. In November 2015, China officially became an IEA member country. In February 2017, IEA and China's National Energy Administration officially established the IEA China Cooperation Office in Beijing.
骰宝游戏-骰宝游戏规则 IEPKU
骰宝游戏-骰宝游戏规则 是北京大学独立科研实体机构。骰宝游戏 以国家骰宝游戏 发展战略需求为导向,立足骰宝游戏 领域国际前沿科学问题,聚焦制约中国骰宝游戏 行业发展的重大科技问题,按照“需求导向、学科引领、软硬结合、交叉创新、突出重点、形成特色”的宗旨,推动骰宝游戏 科技进展,促进骰宝游戏 清洁转型,开展专业及公众教育,致力于打造国际水平的骰宝游戏 智库和骰宝游戏 科技研发推广平台。
Institute of Energy, Peking University is an independent research institute of Peking University. The Institute strives to be on the forefront of international energy developments. It takes advantage of comprehensive categories of subjects in the university and addressing major technological barriers that restrict the development of China's energy industry. The mission statement of Institute of Energy is to build a pioneering and distinctive platform focusing on interdisciplinary innovation, competitive curriculum and comprehensive research of policy and energy sciences. The institute aims to accelerate the innovations of energy technology, promote clean energy transition, develop specialized and public education, aims to build an energy think-tank and a platform for clean energy research and promotion on international level.
骰宝游戏 基金会 EFC
骰宝游戏 基金会是在美国加利福尼亚州注册的专业性非营利公益慈善组织,于1999年开始在中国开展工作,致力于中国可持续骰宝游戏 发展。骰宝游戏 基金会的愿景是通过推进可持续骰宝游戏 促进中国和世界的繁荣发展和气候安全。我们的使命是通过推动骰宝游戏 转型和优化经济结构,促进中国和世界完成气候中和、达到世界领先标准的空气质量,落实人人享有用能权利,实现绿色经济增长。我们致力于打造一个具有战略眼光的专业基金会,作为再捐资者、协调推进者和战略建议者,高效推进使命的达成。
Energy Foundation China is a professional grant- making charitable organization registered in California, U.S. It has been working in China since 1999, and is dedicated to China's sustainable energy development. Our vision is to achieve prosperity and a safe climate through sustainable energy. Our mission is to achieve greenhouse gas emissions neutrality, world-class air quality, energy access, and green growth through transforming energy and optimizing economic structure. We deliver the mission by serving as a regrantor, facilitator, and strategic advisor.
北京国际骰宝游戏 专家俱乐部 BEC
北京国际骰宝游戏 专家俱乐部是一家民间非营利公益性学术交流组织, 其宗旨是为中外骰宝游戏 专家搭建交流平台汇聚骰宝游戏 领域经验丰富的专家,深入探讨中国与世界所面临的骰宝游戏 、资源、环境与气候问题,广纳各方专家意见,为中国骰宝游戏 可持续发展建言献策,并与其他国家分享中国经验。
Beijing Energy Club (“Club”) is a non-governmental, not-for-profit organization for public benefit. Its purpose is to serve as a platform for the exchange of ideas among Chinese and foreign energy experts; to attract authoritative experts for in-depth discussion on energy, resources, the environment and climate issues confronting China and the world; to collect experts’ recommendations for China’s sustainable energy development; and to share the Chinese experience with the rest of the world.